Stories of our art

Various art mediums exist, and the nuances between each individual artist’s mindset contribute to variations in style. Despite it being a school notorious for its focus on STEM, many artists at MVHS are heavily involved in creating works of art in different styles and through different mediums. But their unique artistic identities expressed through the… Continue reading Stories of our art

Drawing: Anahita Sukhija

Navigating her way through the busy crowd, senior Anahita Sukhija searched for an empty seat in the Westfield Valley Fair Mall food court to observe the different people rushing from store to store. But instead of placing her meal down on the table, Sukhija unpacked a more significant item of importance — her sketchbook. Ever… Continue reading Drawing: Anahita Sukhija

Painting: Sophie Ye

When senior Sophie Ye was five, she lived in an apartment complex with several other kids her age. In the apartment directly underneath her lived a girl named Angie, a 9-year-old who painted. Ye looked up to Angie like an older sister — wanting to be like her in every way. One day, when Ye… Continue reading Painting: Sophie Ye


Importante Interacción de módulos En la siguiente imagen se muestra la relación entre módulos y submódulos de la plataforma intecniaTrafico, más adelante se darán detalles de cada módulo. Funcionamiento general Una vez procesada la información de la etapa 1 y 2, se puede proceder al siguiente bloque. 1. Auxiliares Antes de comenzar a cargar información… Continue reading intecniaTráfico

Inclusion is Not Altruism. It’s Self-Interest and It’s Fundamental

On 9 May 2018 in Aden, Yemen, a group of children have just been vaccinated against cholera. Several children display their vaccination cards. The first-ever Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign in Yemen was launched 6-15 May 2018. The campaign aims to prevent the resurgence of the world’s largest cholera outbreak. The volatile mix of conflict, a deteriorating economic situation, and little to no access to clean drinking water and sanitation have resulted in more than one million suspected cholera cases since the outbreak began in April 2017. This OCV campaign is part of a broader cholera integrated response plan, implemented by national health authorities, WHO and UNICEF. Outbreak response activities include surveillance and case detection, community engagement and awareness, enhancing laboratory testing capacity, improving water and sanitation, and training and deploying rapid response teams to affected areas. On 24 April 2018, UNICEF delivered the first batch of 455,000 OCV doses from the Gavi-funded global stockpile, targeting people over the age of 1 year, including pregnant women. The Global Taskforce for Cholera Control (GTFCC) approved the request of more than 4.6 million doses of OCV from the global stockpile to target cholera hotspots across the country.

In December 2018 the Government of Yemen and the Houthi movement agreed in Stockholm on the parameters for a ceasefire and redeployment of forces from the city of Hudaydah and the ports of Hudaydah, Saleef and Ras Isa. UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, in an interview with UN News, takes stock of the… Continue reading Inclusion is Not Altruism. It’s Self-Interest and It’s Fundamental

Lives Lost 2019

Francis Lee Savoy shielded his brother from a sexual predator when they were boys. Davane Williams told his girlfriend he believed in her on a bad day, after she didn’t get a job offer. Corey Farmer supported his friend when she came out as a lesbian in high school. These are some of the people… Continue reading Lives Lost 2019

»Wir wollen doch nur spielen.«

Laienorchester, Politik und AfD – ein Bericht über eine gescheiterte Debatte. Text · Titelbild Graham C99 (CC BY 2.0) · Datum 11.12.2019 »Wir wollen doch nur spielen.« Mit der Aneignung der bekannten Beschwichtigungsfloskel von Kampfhundbesitzer*innen wehren sich nicht wenige Laienmusiker*innen gegen das als Zumutung empfundene Ansinnen, das eigene musikalische Tun zu reflektieren, gegebenenfalls zu hinterfragen… Continue reading »Wir wollen doch nur spielen.«

keine Luft

Ein Besuch in Cameron Carpenters Studio in Berlin. Text · Fotos András Vizi · Datum 11.12.2019 Im November 2014 veröffentlichte Sony Masterworks die Dokumentation Cameron Carpenter: The Sound of My Life als Beigabe zum im Sommer desselben Jahres erschienenen Album If You Could Read My Mind des amerikanischen Organisten. Im Film sieht man Carpenter, wie… Continue reading keine Luft