Tracking Senior Laura Cao’s journey to Varsity captain

Like most students at MVHS, senior Laura Cao spent years in elementary and middle school dedicated to preparing her mind for the academic strain of high school. Cao also spent those years preparing for something else—tennis. In her freshman year, Cao was able to play on the varsity tennis team. Cao started playing tennis at… Continue reading Tracking Senior Laura Cao’s journey to Varsity captain

The impact of gender, race and religion on the 2016 election

Prabhat Jandhyala With Hillary Clinton as the first female major-party nominee, the 2016 presidential election is one of unprecedented change in American politics. However, her rise to candidacy has been marked by backlash from many Americans. Some argue that the resentment towards Clinton is unwarranted and dismiss it as the propagation of sexism in mainstream… Continue reading The impact of gender, race and religion on the 2016 election

Prop 61: The cost of medication

Dealing with health issues from asthma to depression, some students at MVHS rely on daily medication to make their lives easier. However, prescription drugs can be expensive, with costs ranging anywhere from $30 to over $1,000, and the contracts that each organization arranges with drug manufacturers are kept entirely confidential. Certain laws allow groups like… Continue reading Prop 61: The cost of medication

Girls volleyball: Senior Ellie Cary’s journey in volleyball 

Senior Ellie Cary first fell in love with volleyball on a trip to Mexico in fifth grade. While walking down the beach with her family, she came across a pickup-beach game. Her dad pushed her into the game, and a ten-year-old Cary felt a click as she dove into the sand with a group of… Continue reading Girls volleyball: Senior Ellie Cary’s journey in volleyball 


Mucho ha llovido ya desde aquella fecha, a finales de febrero de 1981, en la que un teniente coronel uniformado con bigote y tricornio se plantaba en la tribuna del Congreso de los Diputados  pistola en mano,  al grito de  “!!Quieto todo el mundo!! para enmudecer las calles e instalar el miedo. A las 6… Continue reading 23-F

24-godzinne badanie zdrowia to must-have dla każdego korpoludka

– Zdrowie – tak od wielu lat odpowiadam na pytanie, jakie wartości są w życiu najważniejsze. Szczerze z przekonania, ale trochę pewnie też, żeby przypadkiem nie zapeszyć. Miejsce drugie i trzecie to kwestia nieco dyskusyjna, ale numerem jeden konsekwentnie jest “zdrowie”.Kiedyś przypadkiem wpadłem na informację o ekspresowych badaniach stanu zdrowia. Przychodzisz na dzień-dwa i dosłownie… Continue reading 24-godzinne badanie zdrowia to must-have dla każdego korpoludka

Boys water polo: 14-goal sensation

Early one Saturday morning, at the beginning of this past season, senior water polo player Spencer Springsteel walked along the pool deck at Serra High School. He was relaxed and calm, expecting a rather routine game. But little did he know, this day was going to be filled with the unexpected. The game against Christopher… Continue reading Boys water polo: 14-goal sensation

Schönheit der Geschwindigkeit

Andrew Normans Gran Turismo erfährt durch die Camerata Berlin am 1.11. seine Deutsche Erstaufführung Text · Titelbild Ferino Design (CC) · Datum 26.10.2016 »Pedal to the Metal«, heißt die erste Vortragsbezeichnung in Andrew Normans Streicherstück Gran Turismo. Zu deutsch könnte dies heißen: Das Gaspedal bis zum Bodenblech durchtreten. Die geforderten 132 Viertelschläge pro Minute sind… Continue reading Schönheit der Geschwindigkeit

Elektra: Hass, der zu Herzen geht

Die letzte Inszenierung des bereits 2013 verstorbenen Patrice Chéreau an der Staatsoper Berlin hat uns durch das Zittern des Zwischenmenschlichen beeindruckt Text · Fotos MONIKA RITTERSHAUS · Datum 26.10.2016 Elektra ist wütend. So viel ist bekannt. Doch es ist mehr als nur Wut – sich windender und alles zerfressender Hass ist es, der Strauss’ Oper… Continue reading Elektra: Hass, der zu Herzen geht