College crossroads

College crossroads Exploring four MVHS teachers’ unique college experiences Brian Xu As students navigate through their four years at MVHS, thoughts of college and careers undoubtedly brew in their minds. But amid the bustle of projects and exams, there is one group of people that is often drowned out — who have come from vastly… Continue reading College crossroads


Spotlite on India: A celebration of culture through art The cultural significance of Spotlite on the MVHS community The culture of India has been showcased through their annual event, Spotlite on India for years now. As a show which the South Asian community is prideful of due to the representation of artforms displayed, we documented… Continue reading -spotlite

Market Value

D.C.’s Florida Avenue Market is alive, an ecosystem unto itself. Boxes of produce exit trucks and enter warehouses, where they await chefs with discerning eyes. An electric saw rends chickens in two. People shop for Mother’s Day gifts, perfume, kitchen supplies, watches, wholesale goods, and clothes. Construction workers put the finishing touches on trendy reimaginations… Continue reading Market Value

Eine größere Box

Alan Gilbert im Interview. Text · Illustration · Datum 22.5.2019 Ein Orchester kann etwas von einem Pendel haben. Jemand schlägt mit ihm eine bestimmte Richtung ein – mit zeitgenössischem, progressivem Repertoire zum Beispiel – , aber irgendwann kehrt es dann doch wieder zurück zu den Publikumslieblingen. Diese Dynamik lässt sich beobachten, wann immer ein experimentierfreudiger… Continue reading Eine größere Box

human behavior

Der Komponist Ondřej Adámek im Interview. Text · Fotos © Ondřej Adámek · Datum 29.5.2019 Wenn man den Komponisten Ondřej Adámek bei den diesjährigen Wittener Tagen für Neue Kammermusik treffen will, muss man Glück haben. Genau 45 Minuten Zeit hat er an diesem Wochenende, zwischen einer Vorführung seiner Airmachine und der Hauptprobe fürs Abschlusskonzert, bei… Continue reading human behavior

Nach dem Frühling

Vor 50 Jahren spielten die Berliner Philharmoniker zum ersten Mal nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ein Konzert in der Sowjetunion. Text · Titelbild Reinhard Friedrich / Archiv Berliner Philharmoniker · Datum 22.5.2019 Scharen von Menschen drängen an diesem 29. Mai 1969 ins Moskauer Konservatorium. Viele von ihnen warten schon seit den frühen Morgenstunden. Die eilig herbeigerufenen… Continue reading Nach dem Frühling

Learning from Success

The wars in Syria, Yemen and the Central African Republic, among other countries in crisis, can be seen as examples of failed attempts to prevent violent conflict. These confrontations are justly the subject of global attention, even if the level of international engagement they elicit is not always equal to the suffering they cause. Less… Continue reading Learning from Success

Title IX

An Introduction to Title IX In 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law Title IX of the Education Amendments Act, which holds that “no person … shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal… Continue reading Title IX

Homestead HS: A look into the culture at a local high school

My day at Homestead HS Each year, the Interdistrict Council (IDC) representatives from across the five Fremont Union High School District high schools plan IDC Exchanges during which students from one high school shadow studentS at another. It usually takes place on a special Friday, special meaning some event is happening that day. For many… Continue reading Homestead HS: A look into the culture at a local high school