Virtual Conferencing Declaration



Pause and Breathe as you go.

Open your mind to visualizing as you go through this practice if you like and be open to feeling the shifts in your body.

Remember to stand, sit or rest in a grounded relaxed position and feel your full weight in your body.

Read with the breath.

Make sure to complete the whole declaration.

Do not stop in the middle.

Tensions may arise but will release at the end.

Best to you,


Virtual Conferencing Declaration

May I have a safe and secure connection

both in audio and visual

for myself and all presentwith me in person.

My location, place, space and timeare not to be used against me

nor in study of me and othersfor the developmentof decisionsthat affect our planet earthand beyond.

My shared content,text and chat feeds

are for those I consciouslyhave chosen to connect tooand offer content for.

This contentand my mannerisms,

appearance,speech,tone and diction

are not to be usedfor the studyand developmentof A.I.

Or any other purposesunknown

or un-assumed by me.

The people I converse withseen and unseen

as well as those who

listen in

or view intently or in proxy tothe audioor visual replays,

downloads and transcriptions

do nothave permission

to enter my home, place or spacephysically or energetically.

The ancestors spirits and ghoststhat may be present

do not have permissionto use this mediumas a pathway, a portalor a gateway

through live feeds,recordings, downloads or copiesin full or in sample.

Thank you to my guidesand the earth

for their constant supportand healing

and for any and all protection you offer myself and my communities globally and locally.



Please respect this content copyright as you would a book.

These are my writings and interpretations from my experiences. Carefully crafted and energetically charged. They can be used on a daily basis or as Energtic ER.

Please do not share your access or cut and paste to share with others. As that is steeling not sharing.

If you find these useful and want to share please refer others to my website to access e-guides directly or make an appointment as a client.

All guides are included for clients after their 1st introductory session.

Thank you for receiving & honoring my work and the continued support I offer.
