Humans need humans

It was 12:47 a.m. when I first heard my dad’s scream. Fearing the worst, I immediately closed my eyes and put my hands to my ears. I muttered under my breath that everything was fine, my dad was likely having a nightmare and my mom’s wails were just figments of my imagination. But I suppose… Continue reading Humans need humans

“Notes on a Conditional Form” review

Released on May 22, “Notes on a Conditional Form” (NOACF) sits as The 1975’s fourth studio album. “Notes …” did more than I had initially anticipated. The 1975 built a lot of hype around the release of the album, with pre-releases over live streams and shows, to a trippy virtual site “” where they unpack… Continue reading “Notes on a Conditional Form” review

Facing failure

In September 2018, I patted down my tears, breathed out one last long sigh and bid my final adieu to the world that had welcomed and cared for me. For the past seven years, I had been in a relationship with Mason. He was my closest companion and the one I could always depend on.… Continue reading Facing failure

Best Regards

Four years ago, I started high school plagued with questions. I questioned whether I was good at anything and the like. Even today I still don’t have the answers to them. In retrospect, I truly was a bit of an idiot in freshman year. I was terrified of failing to meet everyone’s expectations and my… Continue reading Best Regards

List three words…

“List 3 words that describe yourself.” No matter how many essays a college required, this prompt always started a tug-of-war in my brain. The tug-of-war was hopeless; ultimately, I always put down the same three words: compassionate, genuine and driven (or something along those boring lines). But, in the back of mind was the word… Continue reading List three words…

Tortoise Triumphs

Hi again! Your friendly neighborhood tortoise, reporting back for duty. I know you probably didn’t expect to see me again after my rather melodramatic exit back in May of 2019, but I’m back to provide some advice in the self-deprecating and embarrassing way I always do. It’s been a rather wild ride since I’ve last… Continue reading Tortoise Triumphs