Your opinion counts. We count on it


Versión en español

Teaching Evaluation Surveys

Teaching quality is a priority for UC3M.

We all must do our part to help reach this objective.

Because time is of the essence.

We are counting on you.

Participate in the surveys

1. Verify your data

You will be receiving an email to confirm that the courses you have enrolled in this semester are properly registered in the University databases.

2. Take the survey

We will notify you when the period to take the survey begins, which usually lasts two weeks.

Follow this link to view the dates that correspond to your studies.

You can also access the survey page through the University home page during the established period.

Once the deadline has closed, you can no longer take the survey.

It is vital to report any incidents that may arise

How do you take the survey?

You can access the app from any pc or cellphone during the established period to take the survey.

You will find a survey in the app for each of the courses you have taken during the semester.

The surveys have three parts, focused on your assessment regarding:

  • The course

  • The professor/instructor

  • Comments and observations

For any doubts or questions, check out the following tutorial video:

For your interest

Under no circumstance is it possible to obtain an individual’s information from this process; no personal data associated with survey responses is stored, nor is it possible to know who has responded and who has not.

  • The surveys are anonymous, and the information obtained is used in different processes: degree program academic committees, hiring of part-time professors, salary supplements, and faculty and degree program accreditation.